I'm officially stopping updating the blog. It's getting too hard to keep it up. Sorry for anyone that reads it.
-- CK
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Thursday, April 1, 2010
New Xbox 360 controller
Actually probably I should mention first that I got a Xbox 360 finally. It is awesome! My friend was selling his to gain money for college, so I dipped into my college fund to buy it. =P But anyway, I was looking online for custom controller cases because I thought it would be a cool idea to make my own. Lazy me, I just bought one. It came today, just the case, I had to take apart one of my plain white ones and throw the guts in the new case. That I didn't really mind, the soldering some of the new wires was a little hard to do. . . .curse my not so small hands. The reason that there were wires to solder is because this specific case (like many others that the company sells) has LEDs in the buttons with a toggle switch to turn them on and off.

** On another note, I am going to try to specialize my blog on video games (anything related to them).
-- CK

** On another note, I am going to try to specialize my blog on video games (anything related to them).
-- CK
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Project Natal
Going off the last post about Sony's PlayStation Move, now I am going to tell you about Microsoft's new installment. It's called Project Natal (PN), named after the Brazilian city, Natal. The word "natal" means "of or relating to birth", showing the thought of PN being "the birth of the next generation of home entertainment." (taken off of Wikipedia) PN has gone past the technology of both the Wii and the Move with motion sensing games with controllers, to absolutely no controllers at all. With PN, there is a camera that watches your every move and incorporates them into the game as you control what your character does. It also have both face and voice recognition so it knows to only watch the correct person. I'm not a total expert on it so I am going to stop talking before I say explain something incorrect (kinda like what I did for the PS Move). Check it out for yourself at http://www.xbox.com/en-us/live/projectnatal/.
-- CK
-- CK
Sunday, March 14, 2010
PlayStation Move (updated)
Ok, well I kinda stole this a little bit from Ctrl + Alt + Delete, where I first heard of this, but I also fully agree with what Tim Buckley is saying. Yeah I can see why Sony made the Move, because the Wii was such a hit, so they want to increase their revenue. But seriously? The PlayStation move?? (go to http://www.cad-comic.com/cad/20100312 to see the comic) That is a horrible name! Plus what is up with the really weird ball on top of the controller? Ok so I just looked it up and it does have some purpose. It changes color to identify the different players, and sometimes flashes and stuff during game play. So ok, I can see why they added that to the controller, but maybe make it "blend in" with the controller a little bit. The first time I saw it I was like ..... ummm, what is that??? It pops out like a sore thumb, maybe just make it a little bit smaller, its almost the size of the rest of the controller. Plus the controller has a cool, black, sleek look. And then there is a huge neon ball on top of it. It looks, well weird... Although I don't know what a true PlayStation fan would say about this, I've never been that much of a PlayStation person. Oh well, maybe if I do end up ever buying a PS3, I'll check it out. (Or even better, if one of my friends buy one I can mooch of them.)
** One of my friends just pointed out the point of the huge ball on top of the controllers. It is because the PlayStation isn't using the same infrared that the Wii uses. Instead it uses a camera which sees the ball of light and is able then sense your motions into the game play. . . . But I still think they look ridiculous.
-- CK
** One of my friends just pointed out the point of the huge ball on top of the controllers. It is because the PlayStation isn't using the same infrared that the Wii uses. Instead it uses a camera which sees the ball of light and is able then sense your motions into the game play. . . . But I still think they look ridiculous.
-- CK
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Stand-up Comedy
I've always found an interest in stand-up comedy, actually once in awhile I have wondered if I could actually be a comedian. But then I have wondered how there are actually things to talk about still, how is it funny if comedians repeat each other? I know that they would have to come up with their own original material, and there is only a limited amount of information out there. I've never actually seen/heard a two comedian say the same thing, but I have to think that it has happened.
-- CK
-- CK
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Essays. . . . meh
I really shouldn't be writing on my blog, I have an essay rough draft due tomorrow, but I'm just not feeling it. I'm supposed to write an essay relating a popular story (fairy tale, fable, etc...) to my life. I know what I am writing about, I just don't even know how to start. The main thing that I don't get is that I'm supposed to relate the two stories (comparing them), but not to write a compare and contrast essay. I am having a hard time not doing that, it would just be so easy if I could. I'm thinking that this might not be my best essay, hopefully I will still get a decent grade on it.... Well, I guess I should get back to writing it, or at least staring at the blank word processor.
-- CK
-- CK
Monday, March 8, 2010
While I was on vacation at my grandparent's house, I discovered a new ginger ale that is the best I have ever had. I have always kinda liked ginger ale, but it got to the point that I was sick of it because of a certain taste (can't be specific because I haven't had if for quite some time). But when I was there, they had bought Vernors as one of the beverages for people to drink. At first I thought it was some kind of beer because the can looks similar to a beer can that was in the fridge in the basement. But after I realized that it wasn't beer, I started drinking it, and I still am unable to figure out why it is so amazing. When you start drinking Vernors, it tastes like any normal ginger ale, but after a little bit this new flavor comes out. I can't put my finger on it exactly, I was thinking that it might be a little similar to creme soda, but different. (If this is confusing, don't worry. I'm not exactly sure I know what I am saying.) All in all, I decided to try to search for Vernors when I got home because I wanted more. I did find it in the local grocery store, but they only sell it in 6-packs and they are pretty expensive. This bummed me out a little, I don't know if I am going to be able to buy any anytime soon... Oh well, maybe once I actually get a job. (The one that I posted about is pretty much nonexistent now.)
-- CK
-- CK
Sunday, March 7, 2010
I just got a new desk off of Craigslist, oh I love that site, and it is huge!! (The desk, not the site. . . .well I guess the site is too, but that's not what I meant.) My old desk was about 4' x 2', and this one is 6' x 3', it seriously takes up half of my room. Sitting at it, I can't even reach the far corners of the desk, it's insane. Maybe I should bring my second monitor up from the garage again, it would actually fit on my desk now and I wouldn't have to put the back of it out the window. Getting the desk into the room was a little interesting. First off its super heavy and my bedroom is up the stairs, secondly I had to take the door off to get it into the room. I don't think that it's going to leave this room anytime soon. Oh yeah, it didn't help that I am really out of shape, I really want it to dry up outside so I can play tennis again. Hopefully me being able to write this post has broken my writer's block (maybe Blogger's Block).
-- CK
-- CK
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
I am writing this post entirely because one of my readers has been complaining that I haven't written anything for quite some time. I still have not been able to think of anything that is actually worth the effort to write about. And my definition of being "worth the effort" is having more than a one sentence fact. I'm still working on it.
-- CK
-- CK
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Something I Wrote Awhile Ago
Here is the first part of a book that I was going to write. Not planning on finishing it though.
Hello, my name is Luther. I'm not that much of a talker so I'll keep this brief. Your mission is to steal the Schön Jewels from Prince Taltus' mansion, located in Kiel, Germany. I don't know how you will pull this off and I don't really care. All I want are the jewels. Make sure that you do your research. You have until the beginning of September to accomplish this task. Good Luck.
Crap, this one will be kinda tricky. Ethan thought to himself as the message stopped. It was May 13 right now so he had only a little more than three months to get to Germany and steal the jewels. Wait, doesn't Heinrich live in Kiel? I could check what he is up to. Ethan opened his email and started to type a message to Heinrich. Ethan and Heinrich have been friends for quite some time. Heinrich came to America and stayed with Ethan in Woodbury, Minnesota. That was in 12th grade.
-- CK
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Sorry the posts are slowing down. The full force of homework from college is starting to kick in, and when I do have free time, I am usually brain-dead and am unable to think of anything to write about. Lately I have been trying to write up a full analysis of Diablo II because I am thinking of applying for a job at Blizzard Entertainment. I'm not exactly sure if I would take the job if I get it because it is quite far away and would involve me moving across the country. But who knows, maybe I'll get it and then actually have a job that I like. Well onto more homework....
-- CK
-- CK
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Game Review #2
Age of Empires III
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
The first thing that must be done right when you start the game is to choose which civilization you will be playing with. In just the original game without the expansions there are eight choices, following history of exploring the New World. But then there are two expansions that have been made to add a lot to the game. One is the War Chiefs, which adds the Iroquios, Aztecs, and Sioux; and the Asian Dynasties, which adds the Chinese, Japanese, and Indians. All of the different civilizations have different special abilities that can greatly add to your gaming experience. Personally I like playing with one of the Asian civilizations because when you level up in ages you get to build wonders that are specialized to that civilization.
After you choose your civilization you then have to name your home city, which sends you your supplies and upgrades, and then you can start to take over the area. Personally I have not played much with controlling he water masses because personally I am really bad at that. Right away when you start you have an explorer which, what do you know, is there for the purpose of exploring. You will also have a number of villagers that you can either set to chopping down trees, gathering food, or mining gold. After you choose what to do with them you can then send your explorer out. With the explorer you can acquire treasures, ranging anywhere from food to a tame bear. You will also find a trade route which if you take over you will see that you can trade food, wood, gold, or experience (to upgrade your hometown).
And after you start, I'll let you figure out the rest, I'm not going to give away the whole game. I give this game four Diamonds out of five. Personally I don't think that it is better than Age of Empires 2, even though it is easier to play. I like the whole style of the Medieval Ages Better than colonial America. It is still a fun game to play, although I haven't played any multiplayer with it yet, still trying to get all of my friends to buy it. Oh and most likely I will put up a rating for AOE 2 soon.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Happy Groundhog's Day
It's official. Phil, the groundhog, has seen his shadow, so we have 6 more weeks of winter. I'm not sure if that information makes me happy or not.
-- CK
-- CK
Monday, February 1, 2010
New Rating and The Bad News
I have to post that I am changing my rating for Diablo II, which I did a review on. I am bringing it up to the full 5 Diamonds out of 5. My reasoning for this is because my main reason for taking some points off was because I was unable to find a way to hotkey spells and skills while playing. Since then I have researched more into the game and found that there is indeed a way to hotkey them. So the rating goes up.
Now onto the bad news. To most of you this will be not be bad news, but for those of you that are gamers and you haven't heard this yet, it might be a blow. Diablo III, which supposedly was supposed to come out last November, has been delayed in release date even further to Blizzard saying that it won't be released until at least next year. There is no specific date yet, but I will tell you the second that I find out because I really really want to play the game.
-- CK
Now onto the bad news. To most of you this will be not be bad news, but for those of you that are gamers and you haven't heard this yet, it might be a blow. Diablo III, which supposedly was supposed to come out last November, has been delayed in release date even further to Blizzard saying that it won't be released until at least next year. There is no specific date yet, but I will tell you the second that I find out because I really really want to play the game.
-- CK
Saturday, January 23, 2010
I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream For Boggle!
For all of you out there that love a great game of Boggle, but you can't get your friends to play all of the time, there is a solution. Not a very unknown solution, but it at least is one. I (through a friend) have found a site where you can play Boggle online, and then you can see your ranking of each round compared to all of the other people that are currently playing (I can usually be found near the bottom...). The site can be found here, http://www.wordsplay.net/, and all you have to do is quick make an account, they will send you a verification email, and you can play all you want (well given that you don't use up all of your bandwidth and your internet company doesn't cut you off from the outside world, but I am thinking that that doesn't happen all too often). Oh and there is a thing that while you choose your display name, you can also make/choose a team name. I have not found a real use for being on a team other than that you are incorporated with the other people on said team. Tell all of your friends to join your team and have fun playing Boggle.
-- CK
-- CK
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Alt Symbols
In my mind I would think that most people already know of this "trick", but seeing as this was new to most of my friends I will talk about it. There is a very easy way to make symbols on your computer without having to go through menus in programs and inserting them. Although unless you have a photographic memory you will probably have to look the symbol code up for awhile before you memorize it. The first thing that is vital for this to work is to have your Number Lock on. If that isn't on, nothing will happen. Next all you have to do it enter any of these numbers, after pushing and holding Alt of course, and then when you let go of the Alt key, the symbol related to that code will show up where you are typing. You can find the codes by Googling "alt symbols" (I bold that because of all of the hype about Bing, I stand by Google. I personally don't think Bing is all that good, and I am a supporter of Microsoft, at least over Apple. There really is not much new with Bing other than the look. But even that hasn't changed much from its earlier version known as Windows Live Search) or you can click on this link to my favorite "Alt Symbols Site". http://www.tedmontgomery.com/tutorial/altchrc.html Have fun souping up your text. ☺
-- CK
-- CK
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Game Review #1
Ok, I'm going to try to start a regular post plan of putting up game reviews of some of the video games that I like to play. Hopefully this will help me keep my blog updated and keep you readers happy. And for a rating system I have decided to go with a 5 Diamond rating (I don't know how to make a star on my keyboard).
I actually have never played more than five minutes of the first Diablo game, so I can't really say much about what I think about it. I guess by how much I like the second one, the first has to be fairly good. Although I do have memories of when I was a lot younger playing Diablo at my house because my uncle brought it when he was visiting. In those memories I also remember that I liked it, so my statement still stands that it has to be fairly good. Ok, well onto the game that I am reviewing.
Diablo II is probably the best role-playing game that I have ever played . . . although thinking about it, my list of games is kind of low. At first I never really got into playing Diablo, I never got through Act I (There are five acts in the game) and I would just keep replaying that part over and over again with the same character. Because of that I just disowned the game because I bored of that first part. And then both my brother and I pulled it out and started playing some co-op. We didn't get much farther, only to the end of Act II, but then I realized that there was more to the game then I was seeing. First off was the whole character personalization. In Diablo II, not only are there 7 characters to choose from (5 without the expansion), but then there are a ton of different skills that each character can learn, with levels of each skill to increase the attributes of said skill (sorry if this is really confusing, I am really good at doing that). Also all of the weapons and gear can be specialized in a couple ways. The first way is that some come with special abilities when you find or buy them, which is the easiest way to get stuff, but more random and it is sometimes really hard to get what you want. The second way is with items that are socketed, meaning that there are places in the items to put gems (which have specific abilities). This can be more expensive, but if done right, more rewarding.
So other than the pretty awesome character personalization, there is a wide variety to monsters to kill as you go through the game (I don't actually even know of all of them). You can also hire AI players to fight for you, which does help a lot, especially when you don't have a ton of spells to help you out. So overall I give this game a 4 out of 5 Diamonds (it would actually be a 4.5, but I don't know how to make half of a diamond), and I plan on playing this game for quite a while. Although Diablo III should be coming out sometime soon, and except for the fact that my computer is no where close to being good enough to play it, I'm looking forward to that.
-- CK
Diablo II
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
I actually have never played more than five minutes of the first Diablo game, so I can't really say much about what I think about it. I guess by how much I like the second one, the first has to be fairly good. Although I do have memories of when I was a lot younger playing Diablo at my house because my uncle brought it when he was visiting. In those memories I also remember that I liked it, so my statement still stands that it has to be fairly good. Ok, well onto the game that I am reviewing.
Diablo II is probably the best role-playing game that I have ever played . . . although thinking about it, my list of games is kind of low. At first I never really got into playing Diablo, I never got through Act I (There are five acts in the game) and I would just keep replaying that part over and over again with the same character. Because of that I just disowned the game because I bored of that first part. And then both my brother and I pulled it out and started playing some co-op. We didn't get much farther, only to the end of Act II, but then I realized that there was more to the game then I was seeing. First off was the whole character personalization. In Diablo II, not only are there 7 characters to choose from (5 without the expansion), but then there are a ton of different skills that each character can learn, with levels of each skill to increase the attributes of said skill (sorry if this is really confusing, I am really good at doing that). Also all of the weapons and gear can be specialized in a couple ways. The first way is that some come with special abilities when you find or buy them, which is the easiest way to get stuff, but more random and it is sometimes really hard to get what you want. The second way is with items that are socketed, meaning that there are places in the items to put gems (which have specific abilities). This can be more expensive, but if done right, more rewarding.
So other than the pretty awesome character personalization, there is a wide variety to monsters to kill as you go through the game (I don't actually even know of all of them). You can also hire AI players to fight for you, which does help a lot, especially when you don't have a ton of spells to help you out. So overall I give this game a 4 out of 5 Diamonds (it would actually be a 4.5, but I don't know how to make half of a diamond), and I plan on playing this game for quite a while. Although Diablo III should be coming out sometime soon, and except for the fact that my computer is no where close to being good enough to play it, I'm looking forward to that.
-- CK
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Carry Your Computer in Your Pocket
Oh wouldn't that be sweet if you could fold up your computer and put it in your pocket? I think it would be, and technically this is possible, all you need is a flash drive. With a program called PortableApps you can install certain programs that you use a lot and carry them with you to be used whenever you plug the flash drive in. In my case I have Pidgin, Skype, GIMP, Open Office, and Firefox. Also PortableApps has built in folders so that you can save your work organized on your flash drive if you are working on a public computer and then just open it up there when using it later (Not that different than just putting the files on the drive by itself, but oh well). It is a great idea for those people that go to public places a lot, such as libraries, and use the computers there. PortableApps can be found here: http://portableapps.com/.
-- CK
-- CK
Friday, January 15, 2010
Parkour (updated)
I do not believe that I have brought up the subject of Parkour yet, so I shall do that now. Parkour, not to be confused with Free Running, is the physical discipline of training to overcome any obstacle within one's path by adapting one's movements to the environment. In English, Parkour is the act of getting from point A to point B in the most efficient way possible. Most often that means being able to vault, jump over, certain things such as: tables, fences, railings, benches, etc... Once properly trained, Parkour is a very safe activity, but if you don't properly you can be majorly injured. On the other hand, Free Running is a little different. There are a lot of the same actions such as vaulting stuff, but you also go out of the way to heighten your commute. Things such as flips, spins are used to kind of show of as you are making your way over the obstacles. I don't have any plan to free run, but hopefully I can get down at least the basics of Parkour, because that would just be awesome.
Parkour can be found in a lot of movies such as: 007 Casino Royale (the new one), Live Free or Die Hard (the hamster), and also in a French film where David Belle (the founder of Parkour) is one of the lead roles, District 13. Parkour is also majorly attributed with the popular video game, Assassin's Creed, where you control the main character as you can run across building tops and travel throughout the whole sandbox world.
-- CK
Parkour can be found in a lot of movies such as: 007 Casino Royale (the new one), Live Free or Die Hard (the hamster), and also in a French film where David Belle (the founder of Parkour) is one of the lead roles, District 13. Parkour is also majorly attributed with the popular video game, Assassin's Creed, where you control the main character as you can run across building tops and travel throughout the whole sandbox world.
-- CK
Friday, January 8, 2010
Easy Way to Game Online With Your Friends
I've had this problem that me and my friends (sorry if that is the wrong sentence structure) like to play computer games (specifically Age of Empires 2) together; but to make it easier, instead of having to all meet up at someones house, we would play online. All was good until a couple years ago we pulled out the game again and tried to play it again only to find that since the game is fairly old, the server had been taken offline. That was just a big bummer, so we pretty much put a hold on playing that for awhile and stuck with console games. Then my brother pointed out a program, Hamachi, that links your computers together over the internet so that the games think that you are all connected by a LAN (local area network). This was just awesome other than the fact that it didn't work for most games... So we were back to the same spot where we couldn't play. But then another program came into view, Tunngle. It is definitely less appealing to the eye, and is German (no offense to the Germans, I'm just saying that all of the menus and words are in German so with an English speaking person that I am, that doesn't understand German; it makes it a little difficult to navigate through the program). But once you get past those minor difficulties, the program works great, mind you that I have a pretty fast internet connection, so I don't know how well this would work with Dial-up. So now because of this lovely program I can play the old games that I love with my friends when they are in different states. (Yes mom, only after I finish all of my homework and studying). If you want to check it out its at http://www.tunngle.net/en/. You just have to install it, create a username and you are all good. To find specific game servers, go to the community tab and click search. Have fun playing computer with your friends . . and I'm pretty sure that Tunngle does not support Rouge, that might be just a little bit too old. =P
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Only Fell Two Times
Today I went ice skating for the first time in at least five years. Let's just say it was interesting... First off the pair of skates I was using were fairly dull so I was sliding all over the place. I actually told my friend that I would most likely fall down about 500 times, I was only off by 498... I forgot how much fun it is to slide around on ice. If baseball was played on an ice rink I think I might actually be able to slide into base, I could never do that on the real field. I wanted to say that I prefer rollerblading over ice skating, but I think that I need to go skating with a pair that is sharp enough before I can make that decision. I finally got the hang of actually getting up the speed, but when I hit the turns I would lose all of my speed because my skates didn't want to turn. So skating on super dull blades has been accomplished, with only two falls, and the only injury is a sore knee, I can deal with that.
"I can handle pain until it hurts." - Unknown
"I can handle pain until it hurts." - Unknown
Monday, January 4, 2010
A New Year And A New Tablet

Oh and thank you so much grandpa for the awesome gift, I love it.
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