Friday, November 20, 2009

Homemade Cards

One thing that I like to do is make personalized cards, be it for a birthday, a graduation or what-not. My whole goal with these cards is to make them rhyme with themselves. I will take one word and use to find all of the other words that rhyme with that one word. Throughout the card I have scattered words that rhyme with that first original word. So far I have used "graduation", "birthday", and "guy" (fathers day). I am still trying to find other words that work really well because I am trying to not use the same rhyme more than once. Here is an example of one of my cards.

-- CK

Congratulations on your graduation in this great state of our united nation. I send my greatest gratification and appreciation of our friendship through all of the integration and beta radiation. All civilization and the population will have a celebration as your education moves on to a new location. Working in collaboration with your job application, you will cause extreme consideration in the corporation. Best luck in college and beyond.

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