Sunday, April 22, 2012


Photography is a hard hobby. Not in the sense of going out and taking pictures or of printing them or such. But in the fact that at least with me I have all of these images in my mind of what I want to capture with my camera. The problem of this is that the world doesn't work in the perfect photographical way. Things that sound like the perfect picture in your mind turn out to look horrible. Example being like if you were imagining taking a picture of this cool looking tree sitting by a flowing river with the sun shining behind it. Well that sounds perfect so you go for it. But when you get there and take the picture all of a sudden it doesn't look so perfect. The sun's reflection is too bright so the tree actually looks like a telephone pole being eaten by a gorilla. You get my drift. Well.. maybe not, that analogy might have failed. Oh well. I understood it and that's good enough for me. But back to what I was saying. Photography, while it can be really rewarding when you do get that perfect shot, can also be insanely frustrating when it seems like none of your pictures are turning out. I myself do have about 10-15 pictures I can call pretty awesome, but out of about the 5,000 pictures I've taken that doesn't seem as impressive, at least to me. But out of those few pictures I have, when I got some ribbons at the county fair for 3 of them, it made it that much better.

... I have no idea if I wandered there, if I did I do apologize, just bear with me. Oh and you may of noticed my profile did change to my real name. I just linked to Google+ and I decided that there really wasn't any more point to hide my identity. So hi, I'm Josh Symalla.

-- CK

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