Saturday, September 22, 2012

That's Like a Unicorn

So let's just say that the last week I haven't been doing much.  See there's this game that came out on Tuesday called Borderlands 2, I don't know If you've heard about it or anything, its not like it was humongous realease title or anything. :P Sorry, I couldn't keep a straight face while saying that.  But yeah, Borderlands 2 is out, and its awesome.  For those of you who haven't played the first one, get it! And beat it! And then get this one! And beat it! And do it again!  Borderlands is kind of a mesh between a dungeon-crawling role-playing game and a first person shooter.  I like to think of it as Diablo with guns.  Diablo obviously still won, at least over the first Borderlands anyway.  I loved Borderlands, it was super fun, tons of enemies to kill, tons of loot to loot, tons of Clap-Trap.  But it lacked a very good storyline, and that's something I always look for in a game.  I didn't actually beat the game, but I think I got to the last level, and thinking back to it I honestly cannot remember what the game was about.  I remember all of the areas, all of the bosses that took forever to kill, all of the fun I had playing Co-op with three of my friends, but I can't remember the story.  Well that is because it was pretty weak.  For Borderlands 2 Gearbox worked on fixing that.  They got a new writer to do the job, Anthony Burch.  And it shows.  I remember everything, granted that its only been about 8 hours since I turned off my Xbox last.  The story is so immersive, I've even learned a ton about the first games story.  But let's move past the story because I know some of you gamers are lame and only play these games to kill stuff, no pun intended.  Borderlands 2 is not lacking at all on the "killing stuff" scale.  There's actually a picture shows every single enemy that you will end up fighting in one huge panoramic sweep.  This thing is huge!  You can check it out here,  There are a ton of other sites that have this picture as well, this was just the first one I found that loaded for me.  And yes, I agree, some of those enemies are pretty scary looking.  Next, you got all of the loot.  The loot!  I love loot!  There is so much loot you could spend days and not find everything.  The way gearbox has it set up is awesome, just like in Diablo there are set types of weapons, and then on a random factor different names and qualities are given to each weapon you'll find.  I haven't once needed to buy weapons from the store because everything I find is kist awesome, actually I don't even want to buy anything because nothing compares to what I already have.  But then the loot is also one of the only things I have to complain about this game.  It's not that they did anything wrong, its just something I wish more people would change.  When playing co-op you always have to fight or haggle over all of the loot you find.  It gets to the point that people rush into an area to find the chests before they even shoot at the enemies, me included.  I guess it does add a certain aspect to the gameplay, but I loved what Lord of the Rings: War in the North did.  Ever chest you find each person can loot.  Although I guess I can kind of see both ways.  Anyway, if you haven't noticed yet I think you should buy this game, and yeah, just do it!

Anyway for now I'm done talking, oh and very likely very soon I might be moving to a new site.  I had a second domain name available for free so I decided I'd make my own personal just fun page and I'll base this blog out of there.  I'll let you know when that happens.

And if you're still trying to figure out where the pun was, there wasn't one, just felt like saying it. :P

-- Josh

P.S.  Sorry that the picture website isn't linked, I'm writing this on my phone and apparently it doesn't like to link stuff. I'll try to fix it as soon as I have access to a computer, assuming I remember.

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