Friday, August 31, 2012

Hockey is a Psychoanalytical Battery

Ahh school.  I don't really like it, but at least this time I'm actually taking some classes I'm interested in.  This fall I'm taking both a Psychology and a Minnesota History class (or as my friend heard, "Psychology of Minnesota History).  I don't even know what that class would be like, but it could be interesting. :P  Well anyway, yeah classes started this monday, and it's kind of weird being back in school.  It's been over a year since I was last in an actual classroom, and now it just feels odd.  Especially being in a room filled with people just out of high school.  But anyway, yeah.  So far we've been just looking over the syllabus and whatnot.  But today I learned that Hockey is a very popular sport in Minnesota... who knew. :P  It's not like I live here or anything.  Wow... my brain is completely nonsensical at the moment.  Well hey at least I'm finally writing something again, so... I guess.... enjoy!

Oh and I finally took my key fob apart (for my car, it didn't like unlocking my car) and cleaned the sensors, and hey! It works now.  Awesome.

Well....  peace out.

-- Josh

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