Sunday, August 19, 2012

My Face is an Ice Cream Sandwich

So recently I upgraded my phone to android 4.0 (also known as ice cream sandwich) and so far I'm very impressed. Right away it was a ton faster, and just a lot of the new features and whatnot are really cool. Litterally two seconds ago I set up the facial recognition unlock and I was play with that, which is pretty sweet. So yeah, I'm gonna go back to figuring out all this new stuff. :P

-- Josh


  1. Did you root your phone and install a custom rom or was it a actual upgrade from the carrier? This might come in handy with running 4.0



    1. Oh sweet, that's cool, thanks. It was an actual upgrade from the carrier. It was kind of confusing because at first I thought it was just upgrading to 2.3, but then a couple days ago I realized that in fact it was 4.0.

  2. No Problem I've been running ICS for 5-6 months. It's a nice upgrade from GB. I commend your patients. I'm not that patient when it comes to waiting for the carrier to upgrade my phone/tablet. I've been running custom Roms on my last two phones and Tablet to keep them up-to-date and competitive in the ever evolving market.


